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Growth Stratagies

January 20, 2024

Written by Rachid Ehabi

How I believe I became a master of Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience and convert leads into customers. It allows you to build a relationship with your subscribers over time, which can result in more sales and conversions. I’ve been using email marketing for many years, and it has been influential for me and for the businesses I’ve worked with. If you’re looking for a simple framework for the best email marketing tactics. I’ve got you covered.

How I believe I became a master of Email Marketing
How I believe I became a master of Email Marketing
How I believe I became a master of Email Marketing

Your Email List and the channel of Email Marketing is your most valuable asset.

It's a highly effective method for:

  • Generating traffic

  • Reach your target audience

  • Convert leads into customers

It allows you to:

  • Build a relationship with your subscribers over time

  • This can result in more sales and conversions

The number #1 channel for acquiring new customers is Email Marketing.

When it comes to Advertising, everything is changing so quickly. What used to work Ad platforms years ago, no longer works today. 

Looking into the future, one thing is certain. There is going to be a never-ending stream of change with Ad platforms. Change is always the constant variable. These Ad platforms have a small half-life. 

Instead of spending all your time and energy on understanding the mechanics of these Ad platforms. Instead, focus your time and attention on things that will not change. 

Its human psychology and understanding how people act online are the areas where you’ll get the most returns. 

growthgain what matters

Let's dive into 4 key parts:

  1. How to write good emails

  2. 7 action steps you need to take

  3. How to get them delivered

  4. The 4 main emails you need to have in place

1. How to write good emails:

Why most emails fail:

Business can be so boring and B2B marketing, in general, can be boring too.

Some of the emails I’ve seen keep things so vanilla and boring that no one would ever want to read their emails because the majority of the time it's just promotional jargon. They are not really providing anyone with any value. 

People automatically archive or delete the majority of emails, they end up dead on arrival.

growthgain vanilla

The whole thing is about trying to:

  • Make the sale

  • Trying to be safe

  • Trying to make no one unsubscribe.

When writing the email, first you have to think about is the tone.  Steer clear of writing emails that are uptight, that are unclear and too ‘corporate’.

The Key to writing good emails:

 Write like you talk:

That's typically how you engage with prospects. They are people at the end of the day. You want to appeal and speak to them just like they were an individual. 

  • Share something and make it personal with stories. 

  • Inject some personality into your emails 

  • Make them valuable and entertaining 

People are worried about offending people or their emails coming off a certain way and don't write like this but they end up with emails that are dead on arrival. 

Make your emails not like everyone else's.  Study what your market is doing and do the opposite of what the herd is doing. 

Chances are that your prospect is not only on your email list but they are on your competitors' list and even your indirect competitor's list where most of the time they are copying each other where they all say the same things in different ways. 

Be different and be the wild card by being yourself and being original.  This will likely increase the chances of getting your CTA clicked as they will have consumed your email as you have entertained them. 

80% value in the email, 20% ask: Emails may lose interest over time, but providing consistent value builds a connection and make them look forward to your emails.

It’s all about Attention

Email (if done right) can make your Ad channels more profitable too.  

It's efficient and simple (unlike the ad platforms). Everyone is fighting for attention. In comparison further down the funnel to a prospect on your email list.

As its attention in isolation. The inbox is very isolated.  Nothing else is taking their attention away from them. Click on your subject line, and get fully consumed (if you do a good job)

With the message, you put in front of them. 

No Ads flying everywhere. In the Inbox, it's a different situation. People use their inboxes to work. 

So if you’ve got something of value that is entertaining, then straight away what you have will be more entertaining than the work they are putting off to do inside their inbox. 

You got their attention (if you know how to do it). 

It's not just ‘Attention is the currency’ But also ‘Not all attention is valued equally’.

2. Action steps you need to take (7 Steps):

1. Segment your list:

Not all email subscribers are created equal.  Tailor your content to specific groups of subscribers to increase the chances of them taking action.

growthgain segmentation

2. Hook subject line:

Grab the attention of the reader with a creative and engaging subject line to get them to open the email to see what it is about. Don’t be boring or mundane, chances are that your email will be ignored/deleted.

growthgain subject

3. Engaging Pre-header:

This is the preview next to the subject line. Spark curiosity with an inviting tone, steering clear of sounding too professional. Avoid having emails show 

'Preview in HTML' as it makes your email seem formatted and less likely to be opened.

growthgain preheader

4. Relevance:

Subscribers want email content that is interesting and useful to them. Relevant email content will keep them engaged and appeal to their interests and needs/

growthgain relevance

5. Personalise:

Address by name, use relatable language and discuss topics aligned with their interests. Make them feel like you're speaking directly to them for increased engagement and better conversions.

growthgain personalisation

6. Compelling CTA

Make sure the CTA is clear, easy to understand and not overcomplicated. 

Make it intriguing and provide a "what's in it for me" element. 

Add value, insight and information to prospects free of charge, with no pressure or risk.

growthgain cta

7. Test/measure results:

Test different versions of your email campaigns to see what works best. 

Use your autoresponder's analytics to track performance and make adjustments for better results.

growthgain test

3. Deliverability:

One of the most important things you should be concerned about with your email marketing is actually getting your message delivered. Don't waste time and energy writing and sending emails that don't get delivered! Fix the following:

1. Sender reputation

Evaluate autoresponder software like HubSpot, Active Campaign, MailChimp, etc. Compare reviews to see the deliverability experiences. Check ISP score, inboxing, and overall reputation.

growthgain sender reputation

2. Bounce Rate.

This is a number of emails you send on a daily, weekly and monthly basis that bounce due to not having any email verification or validations on your forms aka fake/junk emails. 

If this is a high number, it's going to send a message to the ISPs saying it's trash, which leads to big bounce rates.

Reduce bounce rates and avoid being categorised as spam by email providers by implementing email verification.

This sends only genuine emails, eliminating undeliverable messages caused by inactive, fake, or junk addresses.

growthgain bounce rate

3. Compliant Rates. 

If you’re sending emails that do not provide any value, you will get a lot of complaints from people, calling your email spam or trash. Where they did not enjoy the experience at all. 

Emails lacking value often lead to complaints, including reporting, or marking emails as spam/trash - impacting deliverability. 

Provide meaningful content to avoid these issues and ensure better email delivery.

4. Recipient engagement

Understand how individuals interact with your emails—tracking opens, forwards, and importance markers. 

Assess the effectiveness by delivering a positive user experience.

  • Are they getting opened? 

  • Are people forwarding them? 

  • Are they marking them as important or getting saved? 

This shows you if your email is providing the recipient with an enjoyable experience. 

5. Formatting

Spam is at an all-time high, you can open your inbox without seeing so many spam messages.  Even more frightening is when you go to your spam folder and look at the number of spam messages that are already being filtered out. 

ISP is getting really good at detecting spam. When it comes to the formatting, If you're sending out these typical emails where there is much styling with: 

  • Background colours

  • Images

  • Logos 

  • Buttons 

Where the email is very HTML rich - in most cases, these emails flag to the ISPs that this email is spam as these are the type of emails spammers send. 

Simplify your email format to enhance deliverability and reduce the risk of being flagged.

6. Domain Warm Up: 

Start slow when using a new or inactive domain.

Begin with a small batch of emails to engaged recipients, gradually increase the volume. This helps build trust with email providers, ensuring successful delivery without being flagged

4. Structure

Why do you need a process set up? Our job as Marketers is to move someone forward in the process. Step A to Step B to Step C. Not step A-Z.

You need to set up solid a solid process to leverage email to its full potential. You need 4 types of emails:

1. New lead sequence 

(14-day window workflow)

A email nurture used to push them to take the next step of your buying journey. Where you take a cold lead towards knowing what you're all about and how you can help them.

growthgain new lead sequnce

2. Indoctrination Sequence

Ongoing sequence for 'converting to the prospect' Strategically written emails over a 3-month period. Leads not converting are directed to educational content, showcasing how your value-driven solutions can benefit them.

growthgain nurture

3. Activation, Retention and referral sequence:

Sequence for engaging new customers. Customer journey mapped with triggers for each product/service stage. Email sequences for customer support, product usage guidance, and event updates.

growthgain product emails

4. Long-term nature:

Email broadcasts for after they went through the 3 stages. Where you are sending an email at least once a week to add value and be top of mind.

growthgain email broadcasting


Your email list and email marketing are crucial assets for generating traffic, reaching your audience, and converting leads into customers. In a rapidly changing paid ads landscape, focus on strategies like understanding human psychology and online behaviour. Email, being an isolated attention channel, can make your ad channels more profitable if done right.

Key Points:

  • How to Write Good Emails:

    • Avoid boring, promotional jargon.

    • Write like you talk, inject personality, and share stories.

    • Be different and original; don't follow the herd.

    • Provide value (80%) before making an ask (20%).

  • Action Steps (7 Steps):

    • Segment your list.

    • Create a hooking subject line and engaging pre-header.

    • Deliver relevant, personalized content.

    • Test and measure results for optimization.

  • Deliverability:

    • Assess sender reputation, bounce rate, and complaint rates.

    • Focus on recipient engagement and proper email formatting.

    • Implement email verification to reduce bounce rates.

    • Gradually increase email volume to warm up new domains.

  • Email Structure:

    • Set up a process with four types of emails: new lead sequence, indoctrination sequence, activation/retention/referral sequence, and long-term nurture.

    • Consistently provide value through email broadcasts to stay top of mind.

In conclusion, effective email marketing involves understanding human psychology, providing value, and maintaining a strategic email structure. Regular testing, tracking, and optimization are crucial for success.

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